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CFAIL 2019

The first CFAIL took place in June 2019 at Columbia University. 


It featured seven research papers and accompanying talks, and one epic powerpoint karaoke battle. 

The Program Committee

The Accepted Papers 

Ghada Almashaqbeh, Columbia University

Allison Bishop, Proof Trading and Columbia University (co-chair)

Craig Gentry, IBM Research

Lucas Kowalczyk, IEX (co-chair)

Claudio Orlandi, Aarhus University

Tal Rabin, IBM Research

Mariana Raykova, Google

Kevin Shi, Columbia University (co-chair)

Nigel Smart, KU Leuven

Daniel Wichs, Northeastern University



"On Proving Security against Differential Cryptanalysis" by Nicky Mouha (PDF)


"How to Not Break SIDH" by Chloe Martindale and Lorenz Panny (eprint)


"In Pursuit of Clarity in Obfuscation" by Allison Bishop, Lucas Kowalczyk, Tal Malkin, Valerio Pastro, Mariana Raykova, and Kevin Shi (eprint)


"A Multilevel and Low-locality BGW MPC Protocol" by Alexandra Berkoff, Benjamin Fuller, Sophia Yakoubov, and Arkady Yerukhimovich (PDF)


"Homomorphism Learning Problems and Its Applications to Public-Key Cryptography" by Christopher Leonardi and Luis Ruiz-Lopez (PDF)


"Zero-Knowledge PCPS from Leakage-Resilient Circuits, Revisited" by Mor Weiss (PDF)


"Non-interactive Key Exchange in a Generic Multilinear Group and an Underwhelming Lower Bound" by Allison BIshop, Lucas Kowalczyk, and Valerio Pastro (PDF)

The Talks

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