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CFAIL 2022: Stuck Together

CFAIL 2022 took place on Saturday, August 13, 2022 as an affiliated workshop to Crypto 2022. It was a hybrid event, with in-person attendees as well as virtual attendees on zoom.  It featured five extended abstracts, and one keynote talk by Amit Sahai entitled: "Indistinguishability Obfuscation: Child of Glorious Failures." 

*many thanks to Ellen Kolesnikova for making this year's logo! 

The Extended Abstracts

"The Tale of Discovering a Side Channel in Secure Message Transmission Systems" 

by Majid Ghaderi, Samuel Jero, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Hamed Okhravi, and  â€‹Reihaneh Safavi-Naini (pdf)


"Overfull: Too Large Aggregate Signatures Based on Lattices"

by Katharina Boudgoust and Adeline Roux-Langlois (pdf)


"On Single-Server Delegation of RSA Decryption"

 by Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Matluba Khodjaeva, Delaram Kahrobaei and Vladimir Shpilrain (pdf)


"Relinearization Attack on LPN over Large Fields"

by Paul Lou, Amit Sahai and Varun Sivashankar (pdf)


"Failing to hash into supersingular isogeny graphs" 

by Jeremy Booher, Ross Bowden, Javad Doliskani, Tako Boris Fouotsa, Steven D. Galbraith, Sabrina Kunzweiler, Simon-Philipp Merz, Christophe Petit, Benjamin Smith, Katherine Stange, Yan Bo Ti, Christelle Vincent, José Felipe Voloch, Charlotte Weitkämper and Lukas Zobernig (pdf)



The Talks

The CFAIL 2022 Program Committee


Tomer Ashur, TU Eindhoven and KU Leuven

Shi Bai, Florida Atlantic University

Marshall Ball, NYU

Allison Bishop, Proof Trading (General Chair)

Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, The University of Adelaide

Orr Dunkelman, University of Haifa

Daniel Escudero, JP Morgan AI Research

Siyao Guo, NYU Shanghai

Divya Gupta, Microsoft Research India

Swee-Huay Heng, Multimedia University Malaysia

Luke Kowalczyk, IEX Group, Inc.

Tal Moran, Reichman University

Nicky Mouha, Strativia

Carla Rafols, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Reihaneh Safavi-Naini, University of Calgary

Adam Smith, Boston University

Michael Walfish, NYU

Mor Weiss, Bar-Ilan University (Program Chair)

David Wu, UT Austin

Yuval Yarom, The University of Adelaide

Mark Zhandry, NTT Research & Princeton University

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